FMC, Jet Power II, 140 KVA
Unit: Solid State converter
Model: Jet Power II, 140 KVA
Manufacturer: FMC
Condition: Operational or refurbished
Input: 600/440/480 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 155 amps
Output: 140 KVA, 115 volts, 3 ph. 400 Hz, 400 Amp
Test Certificate
600 Volt Input transformer included
Weight: 1,500 lbs.
Option 1:
Trailer mounted
Mounted on casters
Second output with separate Contactor
NEW AC Output cable/ plug, 30 feet
Input Cable: 100 feet
Option 2: Refurbished Condition
Refurbished to Jetall standards
Painted one colour
Operational, maintenance & parts manual