International Harvester, T-300
Unit: Towing Tug
Model: T-300
Manufacturer: International Harvester
Condition: Operational or refurbished
GVW: 56,000 lbs.
30,000–40,000 lbs. DBP (tow up to 500,000 lbs.)
Engine: Detroit Diesel, series 6V-53, 210 hp.
Transmission: GM, Allison, automatic
Brakes power assist hydraulic operated
4-wheel drive, 4-wheel steering, 3 modes
Hitches at front and rear
Dimensions: L=204”, W=96”, H=69”
Option 1: Refurbished Condition
Refurbished to Jetall standards
NEW electrical control and gauges
Painted one colour, customer choice
Operational, maintenance & parts manual
Option 2:
Refurbished Cab with heat, defrost, lights, wipers, beacon, soft doors