Hobart, JetEx-4D

Unit: 28.5 V DC GPU
Model: JetEx-4D
Manufacturer: Hobart
AC Hobart Alternator
Output, 28.5 VDC, 600 amp continuous
Peak Start Current capacity 2000 amps
Adjustable soft start current limiter 0 to 2000 amps.
Engine: Perkins 4.236 Diesel,
Output cable and aircraft plug included
Trailer mounted with tow bar, pneumatic tires
Manually activated parking brake
Dimensions: (on trailer) L 75.5” x W 58” x H 63.5”
Weight: 2,410 lbs.

Option: Refurbished Condition
Refurbished to Jetall standards
Painted one colour
Load bank tested, certification of test and performance to manufacturer’s specification provided with unit
Operational, maintenance, and parts manuals


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